by Dirt » Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:50 pm
There is an old Wyandot Indian legend about the origin of the turkey: that great and humble bird that has blessed Americana for more than three hundred years. In the mountains and valleys, the forests and rivers that spanned what later became the northeastern United States was a bird with cropped and small wings but a stout and strong body that was called by the Wyandot (who roamed that land as hunters and farmers) the Bird-Who-Would-Rather-Walk - "Warrior bird with wings entwined in a turnaquet: Wakkaman-Tournquay-Inka-Loon." The great elders, the Storytellers of its people, noble and courageous and wise, spoke long into the night as the moon crossed into the western sky, beyond the great mountains of Appalachian and Allegheny, that this valiant and honored bird was given too-small wings to fly with the other great birds of the sky - the eagle, the falcon, the hawk, and the crow - because the Great Sky Father, the Creator of the Earth and beyond, decided this particular bird would not be able to fly because he had bigger and grander ideas for it later when its time here on Earth had ended and it had passed beyond the highest horizons, beyond the sky, even. Then, it would fly higher and farther and more powerful than even the eagle or the falcon or the hawk or the crow, even stronger and longer than the legendary dragons. For the "turkey" would be the one who flew "the point" of that Great Arrow that would be launched at Evil and Death and its dominions that follow in shame and deceit that do battle constantly on Earth and beyond. So, for now, here on Earth, the "turkey" humbly and proudly walks upon the land like human kind does and the horse and the hound who seek haven during our current storms that rage like torrents unchained. The French, who were friends with the noble Wyandot Indians as traders of goods made and sown by hands of graceful women and the muscle of the ploughmen of this land, when they translated the name of this bird that sounded to the English like "turnkey" (turnaquet wound round its feet), the French scribers inadvertently omitted the letter "n" and called this great bird, "turkey," and its name has remained ever since. I am humbly proud, too, to know and have as my true and noble friend, Turk (King Turkey of the PaladinWarriors).