The year was 2020.

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The year was 2020.

Postby Turk » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:33 pm

The world was moving closer to a state of calamity and chaos and corruption. Cameras were everywhere, even in the eyes of "people." Two viruses had ripped through both hemispheres, west and east, killing and destroying thousands of humans and machines and the source or sources were still unknown. The investigation by the newly and expanded CBI and Irish Yard was "ongoing" and information and updates were difficult if not impossible to discover.
On the homefront, the Army of the Americana was now employing the highest level of weaponry to combat the evil and death squads in Mexiguay where children were constantly missing and blood poured through the destitute streets of dirt and grime and crime was the worst in its government. The AA had hired soldiers and mercenaries of the most diligent and wise and the most valiant and cunning to defeat these enemies spreading like the Rockwest Fires that devastated the land half a decade ago, turning the Greater Saltbottom Lake into stalagmite-like stone and everything perished around it. So the people left and their churches and schools became homes for the vultures, both bird and human.
Our soldiers were from all over the world that was now turning as if in a backwards spin: the poles were melting ice, one meter every three months, and nations like Africaner and Sahara had become wastelands and the Alpian and Hermalayan Mountains were no longer snow-covered but brown and losing its great life-force of animals, ever-increasing the list of endangered species. The world needed help for Hell was taking over. Men and women soldiers from the Vikland and Siberland and the land of the Horseriders of the Eastern Steppes had joined the Army of the Americana and the archers of the Amazonia Ravine and the Great Desert of the Hyena were among those steadfast and honored members who signed their names in the noble blood of the "Paladinhood:" sustaining its ancient creed of Loyal, Honor, and Respect and bringing new life and new might for the eternal right of humankind to live and prosper and love. The heart and soul of this "Paladinhood" was the unfallen West Point armor of granite and integrity and that Native American-Cowboy fight for a just and prudent world if only in the deep valley of dust and dried-up riverbottoms of a panhandle called A Patch of Red Dirt. Hoo-ah! ... to be continued ...
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Re: The year was 2020.

Postby Turk » Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:54 pm

Chapter Second

Cadavers and carrion lay littered upon the landscape and the black, skeletal birds of prey whose wings had turned metallic were feasting upon the dead and the decay as if Thanksgiving had been turned upside-down, for nearly all the world was now a complete contrast of what it once was only a short decade ago ... before the Great Upheaval launched by Misery and Woe unleashed the Elements of fire and cold. The earth's poles had turned hot melting huge blocks of ice that caused Vertland to flood and Icicleland to disappear into the depths of the molten water, petrified, fossilized. Polar bears and penguins and the great snowgeese of Canadia had long disappeared a few seasons ago as they tried to migrate southward away from the heat but were burned and for awhile lay motionless upon the white-turning-black land like some natural carpet one might seen in the old wood cabins two centuries ago when hunting was a part of life and now was a part of death.
The equatorial earth had also turned: the complete opposite, too. And the rivers had become icebergs and the trees had fallen miserably to the cold ground, made brittle like bones of the ancient ones, still nestled deep in the dirt and the granite and the peat and the lime, held within a mystical and hidden mound in the hearth of eastern Americana where the rivers still flowed high in the old mountains known by the people who lived there: Foxfire. It was here where the magic of medicine was still learned by a new breed of healers, clerics, and a sect of the ancient Paladinwarriors still breathing like dragons of the desert, still fighting like the noble dwarves of the Ring who never perished but had survived deep in the caverns of the Foxfire Mountains where maple trees still provided molasses and oak still made good homes and coal was still mined but in a new and safer way by drills and shovels made of an adamantine-like diamond steel that cut through the rock for the miners outside to place into huge trucks for delivery and deposit.
So it was a certain clan of fighters were asked to defend and defeat robbers and cutthroats and corrupt rebels south of Americana where destruction and desecration was rampant and ravaging like forest fires and primal floods that were also decimating more than two-thirds of the entire earth. It was time to begin to fight again that Evil that was taking over the land, murdering the people, changing all that was right and good into something horrible and bad. To Be Continued ...
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Re: The year was 2020.

Postby Turk » Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:31 pm

Chapter Third
It was nearly a century ago. A valiant and heroic soldier of the US Army, a sergeant humbly and eloquently spoke these words that is more of a rallying cry than the vespers or taps we more often hear, they, too, mournful and courageous: "When there is one less mother, one less bride to place above the door to her home a gold star that alone may shine even during the most somber time when the dark clouds seem to forever hover above us, then, and only then, have we done our duty to honor their lives."
Not even twenty-five years had passed when another noble and steadfast soldier from the same group of special forces known as the "Ghost Army" of the 23rd Headquarters quietly spoke these frightful words: " The smell of Verdun had not even passed when we found ourselves there again, fighting again, in the snow and the cold and the blood and the smoke and the sounds of the guns unceasing." It was at Verdun in the Great War, later called World War I, where more than 500,000 soldiers perished, the largest number of soldiers, warriors, noble knights of any time, of any battle not won, not lost, to die upon that, now, sacred, consecrated, holy ground.
Such was the impact, the bearing, the purpose, the reason, the cause, the imperative nature and calling for our brigade, our small, humble, honorable, loyal, and true platoon of paladinwarriors - linked long in memory and duty respecting the right to fight for what we knew was the only thing to do - to move silently and swiftly into the torrent that was embroiling a different place in the world now on the precipice of devastation as if another holocaust, another nuclear destruction, another atomic decimation was about to be unleashed on an even larger scale than ever before written so solemnly in the history books.
We were an American army trained and taught by masters-of-arms from across the lands and seas and deserts and mountains and valleys so deep to march across them was an impossible feat. We were to seek and rescue 1100 children held captive by the "Mexiguay Mafia." We were then obliged to destroy that enemy and everything there. We were to leave nothing standing but the ashes. And we were to take no prisoners. And we were to save and rescue all 1100 children and bring them back safely to their homes that were lodged in the "Four Corners" of the USA. We would succeed. There would be no more gold stars to drape the doors of any mother or bride. It was our duty. We are PaladinWarriors. Hoo-ah!
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